"When courageous women work together, it reflects the best we have to offer the world." Leymah Gbowee

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Standing on the Shoulders of Those That Came Before

September 20, 2009

Dear Sisters,

Through the years I have been fortunate to have many mentors in my life. My mom has been a mentor to me and has been there for me in all stages of my life. My friend Judy was the one who invited me to participate in AB Women and she has also been another important mentor to me. However, one mentor that I fondly remember is my second grade Sunday School teacher, (from the FBC of Peekskill, NY) Mrs. Pidgeon. Mrs. Pidgeon always took a special interest and caring in me and it is with her that I accepted Christ as my Savior. She has always continued to have a special place in my heart although I haven't seen her in almost 40 years. I wonder if she had any idea the important role she played in my christian journey?

I wonder if Helen Barrett Montgomery or Alma Noble ever realized their vital role in our denomination, especially their influence on women and girls? They have been an inspiration to so many and have paved the way for many of us to live out God's Call. As Rev. Betty Wright-Riggins puts it, we are "Standing on the Shoulders of Those that Came Before" and I am thankful for each one of them and the role women have had in our American Baptist denomination. Because of many faithful Christian women through the years, we have a strong and empowering AB Women's Ministries today.

At my church this morning, Trinity Baptist in Arlington, MA, we celebrated American Baptist Women's Sunday. We celebrated and lifted up Trinity women leaders who have been an inspiration to us; we empowered Trinity women of the present to continue their journeys as they are Women....Destined for God's purpose; and lastly, we encouraged our young women and girls, promising to mentor them as we have been mentored so as they step out and begin their faith journey, they will be able to stand on our shoulders.

As women, we need to remember to tell the stories of Christian Women leaders that have come before us so that their memory and legacy will continue for future generations. We also need to say thank you to the women around us who have been an inspiration and faithful Christian servants. Lastly, we need to look around us and reach out to our young women and girls who are our future. They are looking to us for guidance, wisdom and strength as they prepare to step out into the world answering God's call.

There is a lyric from a song by Ray Boltz that says, "Thank you for giving to the Lord, I was a life that was changed. Thank you for giving to the Lord, I am so glad you gave" and as I end this post, I want to say "thank you" to all the women that have touched my life. Because of you, my life was changed.

Until we connect again, let us to continue to "Stand on the Shoulders of those we came before" as we continue to strive to be Women, Destined for God's Purpose.



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