"When courageous women work together, it reflects the best we have to offer the world." Leymah Gbowee

Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day

Greetings My Sisters, It is good to be back and writing once again. Today in the United States, it is Labor Day. A day in celebration of all those who work in our country to give us all a day of rest. However, through the years, things have changed in our country and today all stores and restaurants are open so this holiday for workers really isn't a holiday anymore for many. It is just another opportunity for marketing to reel consumers in for Labor Day Sales and to make money. I also think of those involved in labor trafficking and today and everyday are working factories and sweatshops 12-14 hours days with little pay, poor conditions, no benefits but much abuse. As Christian Women, we need to be mindful of the slavery footprint the goods we purchase carry. Continue to look for fair trade items, buy locally home-grown products whn possible or even try growing your own. This summer I grew tomatoes, cucumbers and green peppers. We need to put pressure on the big corporations to hve a conscience and make sure that th workers making their products receive fair wages in good conditions. Women working together to bring awareness to the issues of labor trafficking and purchasing fair trade will make a difference in this world. Let's continue to be women... destined for God's purpose and make a difference in our neighborhoods and around the world. Blessings, Barbara

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