"When courageous women work together, it reflects the best we have to offer the world." Leymah Gbowee

Monday, September 5, 2011


Quote for the Week: "Be the Change you want to see in the World." Mahatma Gandhi

Dear Sisters,

It has been too long since I have blogged. Well, I am back and have missed sharing my thoughts and adventures with you. I am hoping this year that my daughter (now in high school) will be a guest blogger from time to time also. I pray that you have had a wonderful summer and you are ready for a new season. I love Labor Day. I take this time to organize myself and prepare for the new year. Instead of just organizing my calendar and my to-do lists and my closets, I have put special time in organizing myself. That's right..... myself. I am one of those that tends to have a "Martha" personality and I do, do, do and because of this, I don't pay much attention to myself. Now that I am over 50, I need to take time for myself. If I am to Be the Change in this world that God wants me to be - I need to be healthy and in good physical condition. So that I what I am trying to do... I am eating healthy and exercising every day. It is hard to be disciplined but I am working on it one day a a time. By making personal changes, it will help me to be the change.

I am so excited about the opportunities that God has given me to be in leadership and ministry. I have learned so much about the issues of women around the world and in the U.S. I urge all women to learn about issues affecting women in their part of the world and to be the "change" in their neighborhood and community. I believe that women working together can make a difference and be the change. Let's reach out and extend a hand to women everywhere.

Looking forward to reconnecting again through this blog. Until we connect again, let us continue to be Women, Destined for God's Purpose.


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